Grfin Tools—User Guide and Methods for Modeling Landslide Runout and Debris-Flow Growth and Inundation

Techniques and Methods 14-A3
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The software package, Grfin Tools, can estimate potential runout from landslides or inundation from geophysical mass flows such as debris flows, lahars from volcanoes, and rock avalanches within a digital elevation model (DEM). Grfin is an acronym of growth + flow + inundation. The tools within this package apply simple, well-tested, empirical models of runout that are computationally efficient and require minimal parameters. These tools can be used individually (for example, to estimate debris-flow inundation) or in combination to represent a more complete series of linked processes, from landslide source areas, to unchannelized transport, to channelized flows. Grfin Tools can rapidly assess potential runout and inundation over large areas and the results are readily visualized in a geographic information system.

Tools for assessing areas affected by runout and flow inundation include a height-to-length (H/L) ratio, angle-of-reach approach for estimating open-slope, unchannelized landslide runout, and volume-area scaling relations for assessing flow inundation in channels. Potential landslide areas that constitute the sources of runout or inundation can be delineated with topographic features, such as slope and (or) curvature, derived by the software package, or by employing potential sources derived from other landslide susceptibility models. Grfin Tools also has the capability to assess inundation from flows that grow volumetrically downstream. This is a vital feature, as larger flows commonly result in longer runout and larger inundation. The software uses empirically derived growth factors applied over upslope contributing source areas or upstream channel lengths to integrate the effects of various growth processes, such as channel entrainment, streambank failures, adjacent landslides, and hillslope erosion. Inundation follows a drainage network defined with a separate tool that uses topographic curvature to identify channel initiation locations.

This document includes information on using Grfin Tools, the basis and methods underlying the tools and models, detailed descriptions of the software input and output files, and tips for handling special conditions such as roads and large water bodies. Multiple detailed examples illustrating different applications are also presented. Grfin Tools relies on the freely available TauDEM software package (Tarboton, 2005). The Grfin Tools software release is available from Cronkite-Ratcliff and others (2025).

Suggested Citation

Reid, M.E., Brien, D.L., Cronkite-Ratcliff, C., and Perkins, J.P., 2025, Grfin Tools—User guide and methods for modeling landslide runout and debris-flow growth and inundation: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 14, chap. A3, 105 p.,

ISSN: 2328-7055 (online)

Table of Contents

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Grfin Tools—User guide and methods for modeling landslide runout and debris-flow growth and inundation
Series title Techniques and Methods
Series number 14-A3
DOI 10.3133/tm14A3
Year Published 2025
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) Volcano Science Center
Description Report: xi, 105 p.; Data Release
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional Online Files (Y/N) Y
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details