Estimating occupancy of focal bee species

Journal of Melittology
By: , and 



Current bee monitoring efforts have a limited capacity for understanding factors affecting wild bee population changes, including the effects of management. To improve the effectiveness of wild bee monitoring, we first discuss principles of biological monitoring and provide a framework to design monitoring projects to estimate species occupancy, where occupancy is defined as the probability that a Sampling Unit or site is occupied by the focal species. Monitoring practitioners should first define the desired goal or question of monitoring and secondly select the appropriate state variable for monitoring (e.g., species richness, occupancy, abundance). These represent two critical, yet often overlooked, steps in the development of wild bee monitoring projects. As with all forms of demographic monitoring, practitioners who are interested in estimating species occupancy will need to develop a sampling scheme tailored to meet their monitoring objectives. Defining key sampling terms will provide the architecture of their scheme, including the Area of Interest, Sampling Unit, Season, and Replicate Survey. We also highlight data standards, including core data fields that must be collected during Surveys for bee occupancy data and additional, recommended data fields. We illustrate how these monitoring concepts are being applied to the design of a real-world monitoring project for the federally endangered rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis Cresson). This framework was developed in association with the U.S. National Native Bee Monitoring Network. 

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Estimating occupancy of focal bee species
Series title Journal of Melittology
DOI 10.17161/jom.vi123.22555
Edition Online First
Publication Date March 03, 2025
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher University of Kansas Libraries
Contributing office(s) Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
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