Migration of seismicity from the mantle to the upper crust beneath Harrat Lunayyir volcanic field, Saudi Arabia

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Harrat Lunayyir is a volcanic field in Saudi Arabia that experienced a Mw~5.4 earthquake driven by an upper-crustal dike intrusion in May 2009. This volcanic field has exhibited numerous forms of volcanic seismicity both prior to and since the 2009 dike intrusion. Significantly, earthquakes within the lithospheric mantle and, rarely, the lower crust are present in the two-decade long seismicity catalog of Harrat Lunayyir. Here we analyze 24 years of volcanic seismicity at Harrat Lunayyir from 1998 to 2022. We find that: 1) precursory seismicity began at least eight years prior to the 2009 event, with a particularly notable seismic episode one year prior; 2) lithospheric mantle seismicity is highly localized in space and in time, largely occurring in discrete sequences lasting on the order of a few hours to a few days; 3) one seismic sequence clearly migrates upward from the lithospheric mantle to the upper crust, including seismicity within the nominally ductile lower crust; 4) crustal seismicity has been slowly declining over time; and 5) lithospheric-mantle seismicity does not show any apparent decline with time. From these observations we infer that the seismicity is driven by magmatic fluids or volatiles, and seismic monitoring of this volcanic field should continue into the future.

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Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Migration of seismicity from the mantle to the upper crust beneath Harrat Lunayyir volcanic field, Saudi Arabia
Series title Seismica
DOI 10.26443/seismica.v4i1.1148
Volume 4
Issue 1
Year Published 2025
Language English
Publisher McGill Libraries
Contributing office(s) Earthquake Science Center
Description 1148, 17 p.
Country Saudi Arabia
Other Geospatial Harrat Lunayyir volcanic field
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