Applications of unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) in landscape ecology: A review of recent research, challenges and emerging opportunities

Landscape Ecology
By: , and 




Unoccupied aerial systems/vehicles (UAS/UAV, a.k.a. drones) have become an increasingly popular tool for ecological research. But much of the recent research is concerned with developing mapping and detection approaches, with few studies attempting to link UAS data to ecosystem processes and function. Landscape ecologists have long used high resolution imagery and spatial analyses to address ecological questions and are therefore uniquely positioned to advance UAS research for ecological applications.


The review objectives are to: (1) provide background on how UAS are used in landscape ecological studies, (2) identify major advancements and research gaps, and (3) discuss ways to better facilitate the use of UAS in landscape ecology research.


We conducted a systematic review based on PRISMA guidelines using key search terms that are unique to landscape ecology research. We reviewed only papers that applied UAS data to investigate questions about ecological patterns, processes, or function.


We summarize metadata from 161 papers that fit our review criteria. We highlight and discuss major research themes and applications, sensors and data collection techniques, image processing, feature extraction and spatial analysis, image fusion and satellite scaling, and open data and software.


We observed a diversity of UAS methods, applications, and creative spatial modeling and analysis approaches. Key aspects of UAS research in landscape ecology include modeling wildlife micro-habitats, scaling of ecosystem functions, landscape and geomorphic change detection, integrating UAS with historical aerial and satellite imagery, and novel applications of spatial statistics.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Applications of unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) in landscape ecology: A review of recent research, challenges and emerging opportunities
Series title Landscape Ecology
DOI 10.1007/s10980-024-02040-6
Volume 40
Year Published 2025
Language English
Publisher Springer
Contributing office(s) Western Geographic Science Center
Description 43, 32 p.
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